Trojan News

Sep 14, 2020

Free Lunches Please Read!

Hi everyone,
I want to share with you some amazing news! Food service directors across the nation have the opportunity to offer free meals to all children ages 18 years and younger. This week I have worked with the Department of Education to get our district approved.
So, for West Marshall, we are going to offer FREE MEALS to ALL ENROLLED STUDENTS, starting Monday, September 14. This includes both breakfast and lunch. Al la carte and extra items will be charged to student accounts. Here is a letter that explains the details. This letter will be emailed to households, and, linked to the West Marshall CSD Facebook Page, as well as, our website. Please help spread the word!
Also, for teachers, lunch counts will be important moving forward, as I would predict our numbers would increase next week. We appreciate all you are doing to help us with that!