Welcome to Middle School, the good,

the great and the Awesome!!!


Book an Appointment with the School Counselor


Helpful Resources for Parents & Students

Mental Health Resources/Outreach


Center Associates

Center for Behavioral Health

Crisis Text Line

Grace c Mae Advocate Center 

Life Connections

Lutheran Family Services

Moonstone Wellness


Pleaselive.org (Hotline Resource)

Primary Health Care


Steiner & Associates

Youth Shelter Services (YSS)


Student/Parent 24 Hour Hotlines
Adult Child Protective Services (Abuse Services) 1-800-362-2178
Crisis Intervention Hotlines    1-855-424-9133 & 1-800-479-9071
 Domestic Abuse Hot Line 1-800-942-0333  or  1-800-770 -1650 
Iowa Statewide Sexual Abuse Hotline  1-800-284-7821
Statewide Crisis Line  1-800-332-4224
Narcotics Hotline 515-244-2277
  National Sexual Assault Hotline  1-800-656-4673
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
  Teen Line  1-800-443-8336 
Youth Emergency Shelter & Services  515-282-9377


The Trojan Way (Class Dojo)

Parent/Student Portal